
Posted on: Sunday, December 12, 2010

Six Easy Search Engine Optimization Tips

Search engine optimization is an integral part of any website campaign and its proficient implementation is absolutely essential to breaking through the advertising clutter to reach your target audience. Here are some search engine optimization tips to help achieve your online goals.

1. Content is king. The algorithm that propels search engine spiders to crawl web pages and reward those with excellent content is becoming more and more of an exact science with every page crawled. This is because web rankings in the best search engines are based not only on keywords and affiliates, but also on how relevant others find your web page. Spiders crawl links to and from your webpage, the number of sites that link to the web page, and the quality of the content in those sites. The best SEO tips all require the user to become more relevant to his or her audience.

2. The bloggers. Becoming known to (and linked to by) the top bloggers in the relevant industry can affect a web site's page rank just as much as the right keywords.

3. Resist black hat techniques. Though there will always be a way for a human to fool a machine once or twice with some back end technique found online, it is never worth risking a legitimate business with the goal of long term, repeat customers. Search engines have made sure to make the consequences so severe for black hat techniques that their continued abuse could actually ruin your online presence.

4. Use the free tools. Google provides a free keyword tool which is quite useful for narrowing a keyword search. Many businesses actually use the keyword search to find the underserved niche in their industry. There are free third party keyword tools, but since Google is the top search engine, their keyword search is oftentimes the most relevant.

5. Social bookmarking. Make surae to make your web page easy to link to your customers' social media pages.

6. Bold around keywords. Use the bold tags around keywords. The spiders look at those first and assign greater weight to them.

5 SEO Secrets You Should Know Right Now

Some say that when it comes to search engine optimization, there are no more SEO secrets to be told. That is not completely true especially if you are a beginning learner in this field. Everything is new to you. Every knowledge is exciting. All that you find out about optimization to you maybe secrets you have gloriously unraveled.

Because even if you are an experienced Internet marketer, there was that time in your past that you were a complete newcomer to all things related to the search engines and how you can make your website rank in the search results. All the SEO techniques that you learned were totally fresh to your mind and all helped you achieve great online results. The same rings true if you are just getting started right now.

Therefore here are five SEO secrets that you should know to give your website or online business a good fighting chance.

1. Target the low hanging fruits.

This refers to the keywords that you should be targeting for your Internet campaign. The logic behind this is that all the top and common keywords are already dominated by authority websites. These are sites that have usually been around for a very long time, have accumulated a loyal following, have gathered a great number of links, and already have high quality content. For you to challenge them with the same keywords would be a very long and hard battle for the top rankings. I am not saying it is an impossible task, but it is sure a very hard one.

2. Create original and quality content for your website.

Some people say that duplicate content is a myth, others say otherwise. While this debate keeps on, the only sure thing about content is that you should create your own, original, and great quality content. It should be something that people would love to read and then share with their friends.

3. Stick with white hat search engine optimization techniques.

These are called white hat because these are what the search engines would consider good practices. Learn about the black hat techniques and stay away from these as far as possible. As they always say, it is better to be on the safe side.

4. Get links the natural and logical way.

What this means is that you should think how people would normally link to a website that they genuinely like. They would link using the site's URL for the anchor text and not an obvious keyword. They would not link to it more than a couple of times within just one web page.

5. Always be up to date.

This is perhaps the best of all the SEO secrets that you can learn. The rules or best practices when it comes to search engine optimization is continuously changing. What you know a year or two ago may no longer apply today or in the next few months. How can you achieve this? By reading SEO blogs, participating in Internet marketing forums, and subscribing to newsletters about the topic.

Ten Powerful But Simple SEO Tips

Every business with an online presence should make Search Engine Optimization a top priority. At its most basic level SEO means utilizing techniques that will boost your rankings in the SERPs (search engine results pages) so you will get more visitors to your website.

At the more advanced levels SEO will also include advanced keyword research, natural language processing and the architecture of your website and of course onsite and offsite link building.

If you're new to all of this SEO stuff, here are ten SEO tips that can start you on your journey to having a successful online business;

1 - Keyword Research

Every campaign should start by doing the proper keyword research first for your niche and then placing appropriate keywords throughout your website including:

The titles of your pages
Your URLs
The naming of your images
Headline Tags
Don't make the fatal mistake however of "keyword stuffing" otherwise you could be labeled as a spammer.

2 - Link Back To Yourself

Internal links to other pages of your site utilizing keyword anchor text is one of the basic elements of SEO. It is an easy way to boost traffic to other pages of your website and to also increase your internal page rank structure. Avoid excessive linking, you don't want to annoy your visitors and to also get blacklisted as a spammer.

3 - Create Sitemaps

You should create two sitemaps, one HTML version for your human visitors and an XML sitemap for the robots. Sitemaps make it easier for your visitors both human and robots to find all your content.

4 - Create Friendly URLs

Make your URLs search engine friendly by using appropriate keywords in your URL strings. If you create a page about blue widgets, name the page blue-widgets.php (or whatever your page extension is)

5 - Avoid Flash

Although Google is getting a lot better at reading flash files, I still would not advise using it for your website navigation and/or as the main content area of your website.

6 - Use Alt Tags

The search engine spiders can only search text; not images or photos. Name your images using keywords using the "alt description" tag. Also be cognizant of the visually impaired visitors that may be visiting your website using a text reader. Use alt tags that are appropriate for your images.

7 - Content is King

The content on your website needs to be fresh, interesting and updated regularly so your human readers and the search engine spiders will come back. The easiest way to ensure that your site gets new content is to have an area on your site for a blog or news section. Then get members of your organization including the CEO to post new and interesting articles.

8 - Use Social Media

A blog is just one element of social media there are others such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube. You should utilize these social media platforms to link to appropriate areas of your website.

9 - Share the Love

An easy way to get back links to your website is to link out to other websites in your niche and establish link partners. Create an article about a particular product or service and exchange it with your link partner, posting their article on your website.

10 - Benchmark and Monitor Your Progress

You will not know if your efforts are paying off unless you monitor your progress. Install Google Analytics and also consider using a third party application such as Master Website Manager.